
Traditional practice and philosophy of Ayurveda

The Yogic Mind

By Sandra Corder, Ayurveda Counselor

In the hierarchy of “being”.  At the top, of course are Purusha and Prakruti – one directs existence and the other the creative force of action.  Next is Mahad or Buddhi, which cosmic intelligence, then the Ahamkar, or ego.  At this point in this hierarchy, there is a branching between subtle and gross.  Subtle being Sattva, and gross being Tamas with Rajas sliding between the two.                  

Mamsa Dhatu - Muscle System in Ayurveda

Mamsa Dhatu refers to the 3rd tissue in the evolution of the dhatus in Ayurveda. This tissue governs muscles, tendons, skins, and various excretions of the body. Our focus is on the increase and decrease of the mamsa dhatu in relation to emaciation, weight loss, and weight gain. emaciation and weight loss can be closely tied to Mamsa dhatu because it is closely tied with Earth and Fire and its manifestation in the body.

Ayurvedic Herbs Are Different

We don't call the study of Ayurvedic Herbs Herbology. We use the word "dravya". This means any substance therapeutic whether plant, mineral or rock. (example shilajit is a substance that oozes out of a rock).

The lotus eaters

The lotus flower is a globally recognized symbol. Why does it have such significance, and what is it used for in Ayurveda? The dried petals of the lotus flower can be used to make a tea. Lotus roots are often sliced and cooked in vegetable preparations to make a tasty and crunchy addition, and they have many favorable properties, particularly for women's health. Lotus seeds are puffed and also used in various preparations. There are many Sanskrit words for the lotus - kamala, padma and pankaja are probably the first three that come to mind.