Daily Routine

Daily Routine

daily Routine

By Wendi Allison, Krithiga Karthik and Catherine Gatzimos 
illustration by Andrea Torphy

If I were to ask you about your daily routine, what would you say? 

It seems that many people would begin to describe their day-to-day routine involving physical tasks and commitments like showering, getting ready for work, packing the kid's lunches, etc.

Then the typical after-work to-do list might apply as well with things such as cooking dinner, doing the dishes, watching
TV and getting ready for bed.

Many people unfortunately are not in tune with a daily routine that serves them in the healthiest way possible. There are many reasons why following a daily routine is important, and why doing things at certain times of the day matters more than most people realize. Here are a few examples of what and why things should be applied to your daily routine to maximize health and natural flow with nature.

Waking up before the sun or with the sun is an amazing way to set the tone for your day. During this time one might find time to ease into their day with meditation, breathwork, journaling, reading, or getting grounded by walking in the grass. Spending time for yourself in the morning is an act of self-love that will serve you and those around you very well throughout the entire day.

Having your heaviest meal at lunchtime is the best time of day since your digestive fire is at its peak. You will not benefit from such a large breakfast as it might weigh you down, and at dinner, such a large meal might disrupt your sleep. 

Practicing a nighttime routine is helpful for a healthy sleep pattern which is extremely important. Turning off screens at least an hour before bed lets your body know it's time for rest, and allows your body to produce melatonin which promotes the best quality sleep. Getting enough quality sleep is important for brain function, managing stress levels, and even inflammation in the body. 

Making sure to eat your meals around the same times each day prepares your body for digestion which is important for overall health. Sporadic eating will not allow your body the healthy digestive pattern necessary to feel its best. 

These are a few examples of why a daily routine is important not just for our work schedule and to-do lists, but for self-care and health reasons which should be at the very top of our list! Taking care of our body and mind allows us to flow
with nature and live a beautifully harmonious life!


Why Daily routine?

 In this modern world among to-do lists, work commitments, and finances have become front and center and our health and wellness take a back seat.  Over time our body has reduced the capacity to listen to natural circadian rhythms. Slowing down to mindful living gives us a bird's view of understanding the importance of following a daily routine. Daily Routine
aka "Dinacharya" from the Ayurvedic perspective  is aligning our daily activities with natural cycles of nature to promote balance and harmony.

Daily routines are important, for they allow the body to get into a rhythm and flow with the daily energetic currents of the Earth. They also allow the body’s internal clock to self-regulate. For example, if you eat lunch at the same time every day, your body will know when to amp up your digestive fire, in preparation for the anticipated meal, and will therefore digest the meal better.


MORNING Some examples of a daily routine are waking at the same time every morning, preferably 48 minutes before sunrise. Praying in the morning. Eating breakfast at the same time every morning, in a portion and at a time that is compatible with your doṣa.

NOON Eating the biggest meal of the day around lunchtime. 

EVENING Eating dinner at the same time every evening, in a portion and at a time that is compatible with your doṣa.


Exercising at the same time every day. Showering at the same time, preferably before sunset. Turning off electronics a
few hours before bed. Praying before bed, and going to sleep by 10 PM. When you have a daily routine, your body will be better able to be healthy, and have optimum energy levels.